Getting to Clare by Car

Getting to Clare is easy by car. Here are some of the travel distances and times from our major cities and air and sea ports to Ennis, the Capital Town of County Clare.

Dublin to Ennis: Distance 245 km. Travel time 2h.37m

Rosslare Ferryport to Ennis: Distance 233 km. Travel time 3h.15m

Cork to Ennis: Distance 136 km. Travel time 1h.54m

Limerick to Ennis: Distance 39 km. Travel time 36m

Galway to Ennis: Distance 74 km. Travel time 56m

Belfast to Ennis: Distance 363 km. Travel time 4h.2m

Travel times can vary based on time of day, traffic levels, road works and weather.

Peak traffic times in cities and major towns would typically be between 07:00 hrs and 09:00 hrs and between 17:00 hrs and 19:00 hrs, Mondays to Fridays.