Confirm your Hotels Participation in the Clare ‘Lucky Breaks’ Promotion 2024

About the County Clare ‘Lucky Breaks’ Hotels Promotion

The “Lucky Breaks” campaign by Visit Clare Tourism is designed to promote County Clare as a wonderful destination and to spotlight the participating ‘Lucky Breaks’ hotels in our marketing efforts.

This initiative offers visitors holidaying in Clare the chance to win a return stay at the hotel they stayed at. There is no cost for hotels to participate. The commitment required from hotels is simple: agree to provide one return break as a prize to a winning guest who stays with you between March 1 and October 31, 2024, and, importantly, agree to issue the competition entry leaflets supplied by Visit Clare to guests.

All you need to know and the Participating Terms and Conditions are below

You can confirm your hotel’s participation here

You can confirm your Hotel’s Participation Here or Click on the Banner below

Here’s all you need to Know

How Clare Tourism’s Lucky Breaks Works for Hotels

  • The deadline to confirm your hotel’s participation in Visit Clare’s ‘Lucky Breaks’ Hotel Promotion.
  • To participate, your hotel must agree to provide one hotel break as a prize for one lucky guest who stays with you between March 1 and October 30, 2024. The winner can then redeem their return break between November 1, 2024, and November 30, 2025, subject to availability.
  • The return break is for two people sharing, staying for two consecutive nights, and includes breakfast on both mornings and dinner on one evening (excluding wine). The return break is subject to availability.
  • Important: By participating, you agree to provide guests staying at your hotel with a competition entry leaflet supplied by Visit Clare Tourism. This leaflet is opposite and will read “Thank You for Choosing to Stay with Us. Win a Return Leisure Break at Our Hotel”. The leaflet will also contain information on how to enter to win the return break you are providing. Visit Clare Tourism will deliver these leaflets to your hotel before March 1. Issuing the leaflet to staying guests, without the need for them to request it, is a mandatory aspect of participation. You can expand the leaflet opposite by clicking on it. Note: There is only a need to issue the leaflets to Independent Visitors – NOT to group tours.
  • The ‘Win a Return Break’ leaflet will direct guests to an online page on where they can enter. The online entry form will ask for their name, contact email, county or country, the hotel they stayed at, and their arrival date. This enables Visit Clare to select a winner from each hotel and for the hotel to validate for themselves that the winner did stay with them. The online entry form will also include one VERY simple competition question and will also prompt the guest to describe in a sentence what they loved most about Clare. The contact data will be used solely to select the winners and to note what visitors generally love about Clare. Once the winners are confirmed and offered their prize, all contact data will be deleted.
  • Each hotel involved in the program will receive notification from Visit Clare about their main winner and a backup winner (in case the first winner is unreachable by you within a reasonable timeframe). It is then the hotel’s responsibility to engage directly with the winning guest, confirming their prize and arranging the specifics of their stay.

How it Works for Visitors:

  • Participation is easy: The guest simply enters the competition on a dedicated landing page on for a chance to win a return break at the hotel where they stayed – your hotel! To enter, they depend on you to issue the leaflet Visit Clare provides you with. The entry landing page is only promoted through these leaflets.

Promoting Lucky Breaks and Participating Hotels:

  • Visit Clare Tourism will actively promote ‘Lucky Breaks’ to potential visitors to County Clare through advertising, social media, PR, and within features promoting the County.
  • Participating hotels will also be highlighted as a ‘Lucky Breaks’ Hotel and will be prominently listed on, significantly elevating their profile to prospective guests.