Local Bus Services
Bus Éireann provide routes within Clare and TFI Local Link also provides transport options within Clare. TFI’s regular rural bus services operate on fixed routes between towns and villages in Clare, providing connectivity to ongoing transport services.

Bus Éireann operates some town to town services in County Clare. You see a list of these here. They also have a journey planner, which may be useful. The main bus station in Ennis is in Clonroard More (see location map below).
TFI Local Link in Clare connects communities throughout Clare as part of the TFI Public Transport Network. They form a network of affordable bus services for everyone who wants to travel to or from towns and villages in Clare. You can see all their routes here www.locallinklc.ie/clare-routes/
TFI Local Link is part of ‘Transport for Ireland’. Their ‘TFI Go’ app is very handy to have and enables you to book tickets online across a range of public transport providers (bus, train etc). You can see the video here.