Killaloe River Cruises

Enjoy one-hour cruises with Killaloe River Cruises

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St. Flannan's - Killaloe's 13th century cathedral

St. Flannan’s – Killaloe’s 13th century cathedral

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Shannonferries – bridging the best of Ireland’s West

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Scattery Island Tours

Explore historical sites with Scattery Island Tours

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Sionnan Luxury Cruises

Cruise the Shannon Estuary with Sionnan Luxury Cruises

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Explore the beautiful Vandeleur Walled Garden

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West Coast RIB Adventures

Rediscover adventure with West Coast RIB Adventures

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Scattery Island Centre - in the footsteps of St Senan

Scattery Island Centre – in the footsteps of St Senan

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Enjoy Lahinch Blue Flag Beach with its golden sands

Enjoy Lahinch Blue Flag Beach with its golden sands

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